Flower care is simple, but it's also very important.
The first thing you need to do is make sure that your flowers are getting enough water. This is especially important if you live in a dry climate or if your home is not very humid. If your flowers are starting to wilt or look less vibrant, it might be because they're drying out. Just give them a little extra water and they should perk right back up!
You can also keep your flowers looking fresh by removing any leaves that fall off of the stems and adding more cuttings to fill up any gaps in the arrangement. If you notice any brown spots on the leaves or stems of your arrangements, don't panic! These spots are just natural signs of aging and will not affect the longevity of your flowers at all
Flowers are a beautiful way to celebrate a special occasion or add some color and life to your home. To keep them looking their best, follow these care tips:
- Make sure they're in water that is always fresh and clean. You can use tap water or bottled spring water, but don't use distilled water (it's too acidic). If you plan on keeping your flowers for more than a few days, change out the water every other day so it doesn't become too saturated with nutrients that can cause mold.
- Keep the vase away from heat sources like fireplaces and radiators so they don't dry out too quickly. If it's too hot in your house, try putting your vase outside where it gets natural sunlight for a few hours each day.
- Fertilise your flowers once a week with a weak solution of water and plant food.
How to care for your new fresh flowers
1. Use a vase with a narrow neck.This will keep the water from splashing out onto the table and keep the stems cleaner.
2. When you first put your flowers in water, add a few drops of bleach to help prevent bacteria growth inside the vase or container.
3. Remove all leaves that are wilted or yellowing from around the base of the stem (this is called "debudding"). This will allow more nutrients to enter into the remaining leaves for better flower longevity.
4. Change your flower water every two days to keep them hydrated and fresh; this also helps prevent mold from forming on top of soil if it gets too dry inside container (that's bad news bears!). If you're going away on vacation for an extended period of time, you can change it every three days instead—but remember: if you don't change it often enough, mold can start growing on top!
Hope these tips help to keeping your fresh florals for longer.